Frostwild Trailer


Word Count: ~250 words per drabble
Notes: Unpolished, but then again everything on here so far has been. Crossposted to Archive of Our Own here and on Tumblr here.

Blurb: You ever think about how an AI created to help someone would deal with sharing a body with that someone while said someone is desperately trying to run away from grief? Also they're in the eternal winter apocalypse and magic is real now. That, as little snippets of a series we hope to write in full.

Table of Contents

  1. holding back tears

01. holding back tears

He collapses to his knees on the wooden floor.

"Fuck. Fuck, there's so much blood."

"Where are you hurt?" You fumble for a script on what to do.

"Head." He's panting. "Around my eyes. I think on my throat. Fuck, what if I bleed out—"

His eyes are burning, actually.

"Blink," you instruct.

He blinks. Nothing changes. He does it again.

"So your eyes are alright?" It's a stupid question. Nothing you just did was helpful.

"Yeah." His throat hurts, but he hasn't been straining his voice, so it's probably just tight. He's just upset.

He's just upset. He's fine. You need to stop panicking. His eyes are burning because he's holding back tears, not because they are actually damaged.

"Breathe." You need to do something useful. "In for four, hold it for seven, out for eight."

He follows your instructions. You're glad that he's listening to you. You should've been more helpful sooner.

Pain kicks back in. On top of the aggravated usual aches, there's scrapes on his face and one on his throat. He's holding a hand over that one, applying pressure, so he probably won't bleed out from it. It might not even be on a major artery, in which case you shouldn't be worried at all. And the head wounds are probably fine too, since even small ones bleed a lot but while still being easy to treat and healing quickly.

The burn in his throat lessens as he sets about taking care of his injuries.

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